Financial support for the work of the church is a vital aspect of discipleship.
Giving strengthens our relationship with Christ and prepares us to respond to God’s will. We believe all things belong to God and our offerings allow us to participate in God’s mission for the church as we creatively support those in need and those who work to share the joyful news of Christ’s redeeming love with the world.

We encourage our members to pledge their anticipated annual support whenever possible. This allows us to responsibly plan for our yearly operating budget.

Giving Towards

Operating Fund

The Operating Fund is used to support the full range of ministries at First Presbyterian Church. Your unrestricted gift to the Operating Fund makes a difference by investing in the work God is doing in and through our Church community. View the Annual Budget.

Building Reserve Fund

This fund is used as a savings account for upcoming “major” expenses on the church building and property. In addition, any funds given to the former “Capital Campaign” account will be added to this fund for capital improvements.

Memorial Fund

We have established this fund for gifts in remembrance or in honor of cherished loved ones. These gifts have been used to nurture programs, improvements, and ministries supported by First Presbyterian Church. For more information please contact the church office.

Per Capita

This annual donation of $40/member is used to support the mission of the greater Church—regionally, nationally and around the world.

Ways to Give

There are several ways you can join us in the financial support of First Presbyterian Church of Kenosha: in person during Worship and other activities, online through our secure weblink or by mailing your check to the church. We also gratefully accept your contributions of donated appreciated securites and planned giving, as explained below.

Online Giving

We offer this option to our members and friends through Vanco Services, a PCI Level 1 Compliant Service Provider. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a mandated set of security requirements for protecting cardholder data.

Mail-In Contributions

To send your contribution in the mail:

1. For ongoing contributions or tithes, please fill out this form  to be sure your giving is credited to your giving number and pledge.
2. Please make your check payable to First Presbyterian Church. If this is not a contribution for operational expenses, please indicate on the check or by note how the money should be applied.
3. Mail your check and commitment form to:

First Presbyterian Church
1803 83rd St.
Kenosha, WI 53143

Offering Envelopes

These are available to members and guests in our pews. Members can also request mailing envelopes to take home.

Donation of Appreciated Securities

The donation of appreciated securities to First Presbyterian Church offers unique advantages both to donors and our Church. This method of charitable giving has become increasingly popular in recent years.

*Long-term appreciated securities with unrealized gains (meaning they were purchased over a year ago, and have a current value greater than their original cost) may be donated to First Presbyterian Church and a tax deduction taken for the full fair market value of the securities—up to 30% of the donor’s adjusted gross income. Since the securities are donated rather than sold, capital gains taxes from selling the securities no longer apply. The more appreciation the securities have, the greater the tax savings will be.

Your contribution of long-term appreciated securities — i.e. stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds that have realized significant appreciation over time — is one of the most tax-efficient of all ways to give. By taking advantage of the applicable tax incentives, donors can significantly increase the amount of funds available to them for giving—a win-win for donors and First Presbyterian Church.


Planned Giving

Information about Planned Giving Options can be found here. If you have any questions regarding your gift, please contact the church office to be put in contact with our Financial Secretary.


In-kind Contributions

For in-kind giving, prior authorization from the pastor and/or appropriate committee is required before the acceptance or recognition of the gift.


We are grateful for the generous support of our members and friends. For your protection, we have taken a number of steps to maximize the security of financial transactions that are accepted through online giving. Account processing is accomplished using secure processing services. Your information entry is encrypted when transmitted. The online giving registration asks you to provide contact and demographic information. FPC does not share this personal information. This information is stored in your file in a secure environment separate from our website.

Annual Budget

First Presbyterian Church supports a wide range of ministries that are investing in the lives of people throughout our community, our city and the world. Every ministry is supported by generous gifts to our Operating Fund. Here is our 2024 Operating Budget.

Join us in supporting the work God is doing in and through our Church community!

2023 Annual Report/2024 Annual Budget

Financial Accountability

FPC is committed to honoring God’s provision for our church by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, adhering to ethical business practices. We believe open and full accountability is the best way to ensure the financial integrity of FPC remains above reproach. We accomplish this through a system of internal controls and an internal budgeting and reporting process.

In addition, a committee elected by the congregation performs an annual audit. The results of this audit are submitted directly to the Stewardship and Finance Ministry Team, the session, and the congregation for their review.